JSC "Uzsuvta'minot"/Uzsuvtaminot JSC

Parent Buyer: Agence Française de Développement - Agence de Financement

General information

Organization name JSC "Uzsuvta'minot"/Uzsuvtaminot JSC
Country of operations Uzbekistan
Description Uzsuvtaminot JSC was established by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 26, 2019 No PF-5883. Its charter capital was formed through the transfer of state assets and shares in the charter capital of state unitary enterprises of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which were reorganized into limited liability companies. Ensuring completeness and timeliness of payments for water supply and drainage services provided by the Bureau of Enforcement under the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan from January 1, 2020, reducing consumer debt Uzsuvtaminot JSC and its affiliated organizations have been transferred.
Type of buyer Government Organization
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Primary contact information

Name Mr. Makhset Utemuratov
Title Procurement Speciallist
Address Bogishamol street, 152 (Post index: 100053) Tashkent city Republic of Uzbekistan,Tashkent,100053
Phone +998 1255 +998 55 5035006 +998 97 130 07 79
Email po.aiib@uzsuv.uz
Website https://uzsuv.uz/en

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