General Information
Notice/Contract Number:
Original Site Publication Date:
2025-02-20 00:00:00
Create/Change Date:
2025-02-20 21:22:05
2025-04-17 00:00:00
Original Language:
Procurement Method:
Notice Type:
Invitation for Bids
notice_summary_english: The Council wishes to procure a framework for the hire of a range of operated plant to support an in-house delivery model of highway maintenance. The minor Highways construction works include but are not limited to carriageway and footway patching, drainage excavations, pothole repairs, sign installation, structures repairs, ditching and civils.
local_title: Supply of Operated Plant
local_description: The Council wishes to procure a framework for the hire of a range of operated plant to support an in-house delivery model of highway maintenance. The minor Highways construction works include but are not limited to carriageway and footway patching, drainage excavations, pothole repairs, sign installation, structures repairs, ditching and civils.
lot_details: 1: Supply of Operated Plant
Contact Information
Organization / Department:
Westmorland and Furness Council
South Lakeland House Kendal Cumbria LA9 4DQ United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Original Text
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2025-02-20 21:22:05
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